Attributions and Data Sources

At, we believe in the power of shared knowledge and the importance of giving credit where it's due. Our comprehensive database of Carnatic music information is made possible through the valuable contributions of numerous sources across the web. This page is dedicated to acknowledging those sources and explaining our data collection and attribution practices.

Our Data Sources

We have collected data from the following reputable websites:

We are immensely grateful to these sources for their contributions to the Carnatic music community and for making this information accessible.

Our Attribution Policy

  1. Individual Entry Attribution: Every piece of information in our database, including lyrics, raga details, tala information, and composer biographies, is attributed to its original source. You can find the source credited directly on each entry's page.

  2. Respecting Copyright: We make every effort to ensure that our use of data complies with copyright laws and fair use principles. If any content owner believes their material has been used inappropriately, please contact us immediately.

  3. Encouraging Further Exploration: We encourage our users to visit the original sources for more context and additional information. Where possible, we provide links to the original pages.

Data Collection Methods

Our data collection process involves:

  1. Web Crawling: We use automated web crawling techniques to collect publicly available information from the websites listed above.

  2. Manual Curation: Our team manually reviews and curates the collected data to ensure accuracy and relevance.

  3. Community Contributions: We also rely on contributions from our community of Carnatic music enthusiasts. These contributions are reviewed and attributed appropriately.

Updating Our Database

Carnatic music is a living tradition, and information about it is constantly evolving. We strive to keep our database as up-to-date as possible. If you notice any inaccuracies or have additional information to contribute, please use our Contribution Form to let us know.

A Note to Content Owners

We deeply respect the work of all individuals and organizations contributing to the preservation and promotion of Carnatic music. If you are a content owner and have concerns about how your data is being used on, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to addressing any issues promptly and collaboratively.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our attribution practices or data sources, please contact us. We welcome your feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our practices.

Thank you for your support in building a comprehensive, ethical, and properly attributed resource for Carnatic music enthusiasts worldwide.